Environmental Health Sciences Research Center
University of Iowa College of Public Health
The Specific Aims Review Meeting is hosted by the EHSRC Career Development Program. It is open to all Center investigators preparing to submit an R01 or R21 grant proposal who are seeking feedback from senior investigators. In addition, EHSRC pilot grant applicants are encouraged to submit their Specific Aims for review prior to the due date, as an option in the proposal process. All Center investigators, and in particular, beginning investigators, are welcome to participate in the meeting.
To facilitate the discussion, investigators should prepare one PowerPoint slide stating the central hypothesis, aims and the scientific premise of the proposed grant application. In addition, investigators should forward their Specific Aims page to nancy-wyland@uiowa.edu one week prior to the meeting to allow a pre-review of the application by senior Center investigators.
Please contact hans-joachim-lehmler@uiowa.eduif you would like your Specific Aims to be discussed at the next Specific Aims Review meeting.
Below are the dates/times for the Specific Aims review meetings. All meetings are from 1-2 pm via Zoom.
December 10, 2020 (full, you may still attend but no more aims can be reviewed )
January 21, 2021