EHSRC Deputy Director Dr. Peter Thorne was a guest on the show River to River to discuss restoring environmental protections and the race against climate change. Listen to the interview here.
Blurb from Iowa Public Radio:
“President Joe Biden has vowed to restore environmental protections that have been weakened, altered or rolled back by the Trump Administration over the past four years.
The new president has ordered a review of more than 100 rules and regulations on air, water, public lands, endangered species and climate change and legal experts say it could take two to three years, or even longer, to put many of the old rules back in place.
On this edition of River to River, host Ben Kieffer talks with environmental health scientist Peter Thorne to talk about stances the new administration is taking when it comes to environmental policy. Thorne chaired the Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board from 2015 to 2017.”