The Environmental Health Sciences Research Center at the University of Iowa College of Public Health developed the Iowa Climate Podcast and the accompanying curriculum as a way to foster conversations and engagement around the science, activism, and solutions related to climate change.
Listen for free on soundcloud (no sign up required)
Listen for free on spotify
This resource is free! Each episodes is between 10-30 minutes. After listening to the episode, there is an accompanying slide deck and instructional document with teaching notes, activity ideas, and discussion questions (curriculum for season 1 only, which is the first 4 episodes).
Discussion Questions and Notes Season 1 Iowa Climate Podcast(pdf)
Iowa Climate Podcast Teacher guide with Educational Standards (pdf)
If you use the resources we would appreciate if you filled out this short evaluation so we can track where/how the materials are being used (this is not required)
For questions or comments please contact Jackie Curnick, Assistant CEC Director, at