The Environmental Health Sciences Research Center (EHSRC) has a longstanding history of fostering the careers of researchers at all levels in the environmental health sciences (EHS). Building on this track record, the EHSRC will continue training future leaders in EHS by addressing the following major objectives:
- Recruitment and support of talented junior investigators (named Associate Members), including women and underrepresented minorities, who are committed to research in EHS by providing salary and research support, facility access and mentoring by senior EHSRC members.
- Recruitment of faculty at all levels with expertise and research interests important to the development of the Center.
- Enrichment of all Center investigators with seminars, workshops, center retreats, interactions with visiting professors, support of local conferences and inter-center exchanges to foster cutting edge, multidisciplinary research and research translation.
- In the next funding cycle the Career Enhancement Program (CEP), in close interaction with the Administrative Core, the Community Engagement Core, the Pilot Grant Program and the Translational Research Support Core, will continue to play an essential role in identifying and recruiting investigators new to the field of EHS or working in emerging areas of EHS (e.g., the effect of climate change on environmental health in the rural Midwest). The ultimate goal is to promote an increased understanding of environmental contaminants and to reduce their impacts on human health by training the future leaders in EHS.
For questions regarding the EHSRC’s Career Enhancement Program please contact:
- Hans-Joachim Lehmler –
- Peter S. Thorne –
Current Supported Associate Members:
- Shoshannah Eggers, PhD – Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
- Darrin Thompson, PhD – Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
- Emma Stapleton, PhD – Research Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine-Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Occupational Medicine
EHSRC Center Leadership Specific Aims Review Meeting for Grant Applicants
Researcher Handbook
Career Development at the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science
Division of Sponsored Programs – Training Opportunities
Office of the Vice President for Research: Professional Development and Workshops