EHSRC Role(s): Director, Exposure ScienceFacility; Exposure Generation Specialist, Pulmonary Toxicology Facility; Member, Integrated Health Sciences Facility; Nanoscience; Population Health
Dr. O’Shaughnessy is an Environmental Engineer whose research interests are in Environmental Systems, Aerosol Generation Measurement Instrumentation, Inhalation Toxicology, Evaluation of Nanoparticles in the Workplace, Air Pollution Dispersion of Contaminants Emanating from Animal Housing Facilites, and Occupational Health of Workers in Agriculture. He has published extensively on aersol sampling and measurement, as well as a variety of inhalable toxins, including house and grain dust, endotoxins, asbestos, ammonia, and nitrogen dioxide. In addition, Dr. O’Shaughnessy has developed cutting-edge environmental measuring and monitoring systems for animal photoperiod control, aerosol generation and exposure chambers for laboratory use, to name a few. In collaboration with Vicki Grassian and other EHSRC investigators, his recent interests have recently expanded into the impacts of manufactured nanoparticles on human health and the environment.
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