Pronouns: she/her/hers
Center Affiliation and Expertise: Water Quality Thematic Area
Keri Hornbuckle is the Donald E. Bently Professor of Engineering and former Department Chair of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of Engineering, and serves as on the faculty of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Toxicology, all at the University of Iowa. She is a recognized expert on the environmental fate and transport of PCBs and other semivolatile organic pollutants, and published many (>70) peer-reviewed scientific papers showing how these toxic compounds are released and transported through the environment. She and her team operate large scale air sampling networks in Chicago, Northwest Indiana and rural Iowa. She leads the Analytical Core for the Iowa Superfund Research Program (isrp, NIEHS/NIH), providing field and laboratory measurements of PCBs and related compounds in indoor/outdoor air, water, sediment, soils, human serum, and tissues from laboratory animals. In addition to the isrp, her research is also funded by the Great Lakes National Program Office of the U.S. EPA and the National Science Foundation. Prof. Hornbuckle is a past President of the International Association for Great Lakes Research and is Associate Editor of the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science & Technology. She was awarded an early CAREER development award from NSF, the University of Iowa Distinguished Achievement Award for women faculty, and the College of Engineering Distinguished Research Award. Her ongoing contributions to the body of research in air and water quality are of great value to the EHSRC.